Monday, October 25, 2010

A quote a day in Luanda

"In Angola the line that divides dignity and arrogance is very fine" - this is Angola in twelve words, and the reason why one has to respect the people of that country.

"Luanda is like a beautiful woman: Everyone wants her, but no-one knows how to look after her. All most are interested in is being her master"

"The government might not know everything about policy, but they know a great deal about politics". Also, it was explained that in Portuguese the same word is used for 'policy' and 'politics'", which goes some way in explaining their deep-seated suspicion towards outsiders and all their 'impartial' advice.

"Angolans know what they want and they are excellent negotiators"

"Keeping information from its citizens is the oxygen that keeps the dictatorship going" - trust the Open Society Initiative to come up with this one. True to some extent, but it is also changing.

What can one really learn in a few days in a capital? Basically that things are changing there, and probably faster than anywhere else. There is a LOT of money and a LOT of challenges. And despite the negative tone of some of these quotes, it was a place that surprised me.

(June 2009)

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